Friday, January 16, 2009

Otherworld Miniatures

Hey all, I don't normally plug products in this space, but I wanted to pass the word along. Richard Scott at Otherworld Miniatures has run into some health problems. If you've ever considered ordering any figures from his award winning, high quality line, why not drop a few bucks on them and help the guy out? I can personally recommend Otherworld on every level, from sculpting and casting quality to customer service. Whether you're an old school gamer or just like cool minis, check out his stuff. Thanks!

(Crossposted from my LJ.)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Gaming

Hey look, photos of a gaming session. We're playing right now, and things look grim for our heroes!

EDIT: With a little luck and a vicious series of attacks against the floating brain in the jar that was harassing us, we pulled through!

From Gaming Photos

From Gaming Photos

From Gaming Photos

From Gaming Photos

From Gaming Photos