I'm running OSRIC this weekend, and like any DM worth his salt I'm adding house rules to the game. Here's what I'm using:
1. Delta's Target 20 System: To me, this is a no-brainer. It sounds incredibly easy to use and keeps the descending AC system in place. I'm not going to go with the rules for thief skills and saving throws, but for attack rolls it looks great.
I linked to Delta's blog, and you can find the rules download there on the right hand margin of the page.
2. Initiative: OSRIC gets a lot right, but I'm not crazy about the basic initiative mechanic. In OSRIC, each side rolls to determine the segment on which the *other* acts. That's counter-intuitive to me. I appreciate how the mechanic functions, but I can't embrace it.
I also have to admit that I always loved speed factor for, frankly, inexplicable reasons. So, that's what I'm using! Here are the rules I'm going to use. If they crash and burn in play, I'll just go back to the OSRIC version.
* Each PC or group of monsters rolls a d6 for initiative.
* The result is the segment on which you decide what you want to do.
* When you make your choice, you add your action's speed to your initiative. The result is the segment on which you act.
* If more than one person tries to act on the same segment, the action is simultaneous.
* If your initiative goes into double digits, subtract 10, and that's when you act on the next round.
Dagger, other small weapons: +0
One handed melee weapons: +1
Two handed melee weapons: +2
Loaded crossbow: +0
Unloaded crossbow: +3 (includes time needed to load; you can load and not shoot for +3)
Thrown weapon or bow: +1
Movement: This is a little tricky. You can move 1/10th your speed per segment and take another action, adding the modifier at the end of your movement to determine when the action takes place.
Special Polearm Rule: If you have a polearm and an enemy charges you, you can immediately attack it on that segment but that costs you your turn that round.
Delay: You can delay your action by as much as you want.
Spell Casting: Modifier equals the spell's casting time in segments. You're considered casting the spell from the time of your base initiative until the segment on which you cast the spell. If you're hit between those two segments but not during them, the spell is lost.
Everything Else: DM's judgment. I'm toying with some weird items and gear the PCs could find for sale in Cort, the town I made up for the game, like a mini-ballista called an ogre stopper that is +0 to fire when loaded, but +20 to load and fire.
Theatre: Anniversary Plays
20 hours ago
I like the initiative section. It gets away from the "declare actions" thing at the beginning of the round, and is more reflective of the fluid nature of combat.
Also, it doesn't hurt the casters as badly, because presumably if they get hit before they declare their actions, the hit wouldn't spoil their spells.
I also like weapon speed, and like how you simplified it but still incorporated it. It also gets away from the missile stage, spell stage, melee stage of a round paradigm.
Mike I'm excited to hear how your OSRIC game goes. I downloaded the rules and looked through when I wanted an old-school fix. Our 4e game is about to wrap up (29th level); and before we start up a new one we were tossing around ideas about a game to play for a few weeks.
I was thinking OSRIC into (your namesaked) B2.
I've always loved the segment/casting time/swing time system, and tried to pull it into a couple games that I ran, but usually people thought that it was just too much trouble. I'm glad to see someone keeping it alive. The polearm rule is an interesting alternative to AoO/OAs for that system; let us know how it works out.
Sounds interesting. Would you please elaborate on how movement works in this system (with an example)?
For example, do you start moving on segment one or do you start moving on the segment indicated by the die roll?
Do you have simultaneous movement?
If you roll a 5 for initiative and are using a '1' weapon, if you move half your movement, does that mean you can't attack until next round (5+1+5=11, which is greater than 10)?
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